Peanuts – A recommended part of diet

During my 2nd period with CFS,  I found that I had a craving for Peanut Butter. The reason, in hind sight, was simple:

  • Peanut contains most of the compounds needed to produce red blood cells. [Ref]

Why is this important? Typically CFS has hypocoagulation resulting in low delivery of oxygen. More red blood cells, means more oxygen delivery, the body logical response to lower oxygen levels.

  • Peanut consumption has been suspected of raising plasma very long chain fatty acid (VLCFA) levels in humans”[2012]

A recent article caused me to dig deeper into Peanuts

  • “The high consumption of peanuts, walnuts, or almonds significantly reduced the risk for breast cancer by 2-3 times” [2015]
  • “Total nut intake was related to lower overall and cause-specific mortality (cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular, respiratory, neurodegenerative diseases, other causes) in men and women.. Peanut butter was not related to mortality.” [2015]
    • i.e. eat peanuts and not peanut butter!!! The processing loose the health benefits.
  • “Total nut consumption lowered [ systolic Blood Pressure] SBP in participants without type 2 diabetes. Pistachios seemed to have the strongest effect on reducing SBP and DBP. Mixed nuts also reduced DBP.” [2015]
  • “Nut consumption was associated with decreased overall and cardiovascular disease mortality across different ethnic groups and among individuals from low SES groups. Consumption of nuts, particularly peanuts given their general affordability, may be considered a cost-effective measure to improve cardiovascular health” [2015]
  • ” supplementing a usual diet with mixed nuts for 6 weeks had favorable effects on several lipid parameters in Korean women with metabolic syndrome. These findings present a possible mechanism for the cardioprotective effects of nutconsumption.” [2015]
  • ” The findings suggest peanuts may be a preferred snack food to include in the diet for maintaining a healthy weight.” [2014]
  • “Acute high-oleic peanut consumption leads to stronger moderation of postprandial glucose, insulin, and TNF-α concentrations than CVP and control meal intake.” [2014]
  • “Tree nuts appear to have strong inverse association with obesity, and favorable though weaker association with MetS independent of demographic, lifestyle and dietary factors.” [2014]
  • consumption of peanuts and/or peanut butter is associated with lower weight status, improved diet, and lipid levels among Mexican American children.” [2013]
  • “frequent nut and peanut butter consumption is associated with a significantly lower [ cardiovascular disease ]CVD risk in women with type 2 diabetes.” [2009]

Most of the studies were done with 56 g (2 oz) of peanuts per day