Review of recent news on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

I have a news feed on items dealing with CFS.  Below are interesting notes from scanning the feed:


  • “We did not note increased all-cause mortality in people with chronic fatigue syndrome, but our findings show a substantial increase in mortality from suicide.” [2016]
  • “The spontaneous brain electrical activities in CFS patients were significantly reduced. The abnormal changes in the cerebral functions were localized at the right frontal and left occipital regions in CFS patients.” [2016] Prior SPECT studies found hypoperfusion (low oxygen) in the brain which may be the cause.
  • ” differences between FMS patients and controls in the insula, amygdala, anterior/mid cingulate cortex, superior temporal gyrus, the primary and secondary somatosensory cortex, and lingual gyrus.” [2016]
  • ” Our results demonstrate altered functional connectivity of several regions associated with cognitive, affective, memory, and higher cognitive function in ME/CFS patients. Connectivity to memory related brain areas (para-hippocampal gyrus) was correlated with clinical fatigue ratings, providing supporting evidence that brain network abnormalities may contribute to ME/CFS pathogenesis.” [2015]


Supplements And Treatment

  • ” Results from this study indicated that supplemental guanidinoacetic acid can positively affect creatine metabolism and work capacity in women with CFS, yet GAA had no effect on main clinical outcomes, such as general fatigue and musculoskeletal soreness.” [2016]  – in other words, better labs, no symptom change.
  • “Changes in patients who showed a clinically significant change in faecal Streptococcus after treatment[erythromycin 400 mg b.d. for 6 days] (responders; defined as post-therapy distribution<6%) were compared to participants who did not respond to treatment. In the seven responders, there was a significant increase in actigraphic total sleep time (p=0.028) from baseline to follow up, compared with non-responders…Improved vigour scores were associated with a lower Streptococcus count …  poorer mood was associated with higher Lactobacillus …. Short term antibiotic treatment appears to be insufficient to effect sustainable changes in the gut ecosystem in most CFS participants.” [2015]
