A review of DigestaCure Autoimmune-X

A reader posted

“I can hardly find anything on the internet warning about RESTORE. I was tempted to try this for my autoimmune condition but after reading your post, decided against it for now.

Was wondering if you have heard about DigestaCure Autoimmune-X (https://store.digestaqure.com/)?

Like RESTORE, it seems too good to be true and I’m not sure how much of their testimonies are fabricated.

Any help will be much appreciated!”

If you have a medical condition, you may wish to try this look up page to identify the best probiotics and supplements suggestions. Just click on the condition(s) on the page.

This post attempts to gather up all of the objective evidence for or against this product. As a former member of the American Statistical Association, I know that for any product sold, you will find miracle cures for a percentage. The cure may be real, and just incidental, but not actually connected to the product. Working on detecting fraud reviews for Amazon a few years ago, I know the huge volume of pay-for-hire reviews that happens in today’s market place.  On the flip side are the rare product that are actually useful but poorly advertised.

First impression of the site: ALARM BELLS — it implies 50 millions americans are currently using this product…. FAKE NEWS #1.


Contents: “Stabilized long-chain polymannan and polysaccharide molecules, stabilized mannose molecules, stabilized glucomannans, stabilized glucopolymannans, stabilized medium and short chain polysaccharides (Oligosaccharides), stabilized mucopolysaccharides, stabilized glycoproteins, and stabilized glycolipids.” –my oh my…. so very very stable, 

Interesting that the term “stabilized mannose” seems only to be associated with their product.  The main (perhaps only content) is Aloe botanical powder.


Jan 21, 2015 states “Your product is not generally recognized as safe and effective for the above referenced uses and, therefore, this product is a “new drug” under section 201(p) of the Act [21 U.S.C. § 321(p)]. New drugs may not be legally introduced or delivered for introduction into interstate commerce without prior approval from the FDA, as described in section 505(a) of the Act [21 U.S.C. § 355(a)]; see also section 301(d) of the Act [21 U.S.C. § 331(d)]. FDA approves a new drug on the basis of scientific data submitted by a drug sponsor to demonstrate that the drug is safe and effective. “

The FDA letter cites and is very critical of the web site “The Code of Life” as part of this firms literature. It is written by a Dr. Brucker, oh… he’s a Doctor of Chiropractic… citing experience with Homeopathy, Trigger Point Therapy, etc…

Legal Background

The site digestaquere.com was obtained in 2008. A trademark was filed for in 2013.

Checking the state of Florida official records, we see it is registered via a Steven Sciarretta, an attorney — keeping who owns it a secret.

Aloe and Autoimmune

Moving past questionable business presentation, we know the main item, Aloe, which is “scientificized” by listing it components. Say, I have the perfect supplement for your health issues, it contains beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, lactoferrin, lysozyme, beta casein, …. and some 20 more important items established to be essential for your health…  Just $50 for a one quart bottle!!! … (Shhhh don’t tell anyone that it is a bottle of cow’s milk!).

Now to move from humor to hard science…  There are 46 articles on PubMed dealing with Aloe and Autoimmune unfortunately most are by a researcher named L. Aloe!

  • Not effective against Psoriasis [2016]
  • “These data indicate that Aloe vera therapy (at 120 mg/kg/day Aloe vera) can attenuate the disease progression in experimental model of MS.” [2010] So a 110 lb person would need to consume 14 grams/day (i.e. 26 capsules per day). Note attenuate means lessen, not cure.

That’s it. I did a review of Aloe and Microbiome on Pubmed without any significant findings.

Cost: 1/2 lb – 227 gram of Organic Aloe Vera powder or the equivalent of 450 capsules of Digestacure, will cost you $10.00 on Amazon versus $318 from this site.


Bottom Line

No studies showing it helps, profit margin is likely 95% for this business…

A better approach for restoring gut health is to get tested for the bacteria shift and then adjust your diet appropriately. The cost of getting the best test, uBiomeExplorer is $90, does not require a doctor prescription and provide details of your gut bacteria down o the species level (I have no affiliation to them). From this specific recommendations can be made to fix the gut, based on your own specific gut bacteria and published scientific studies. For an example of a report see this post