Coagulation: Thick Blood Supplements for CFS and Long COVID

Some readers may ask what is this about thick blood AKA micro clotting in COVID?

When I had my 2nd episode of CFS/ME, several papers had just be published by Dave Berg. He was not a MD nor a researcher. He owned and ran a laboratory that specialized in blood testing for infertility. The cause of one type of infertility is Hughes Syndrome or to put it into simple terms, thick blood. The blood is just thick enough that oxygen to the fetus is insufficient and results in spontaneous abortion. The modern treatment is low dosage of heparin (the body’s natural blood thinner) resulting in the fetus surviving. Heparin is not a single chemical, rather a bunch of different chemicals.

Dave Berg while working with MDs started to hear “oh by the way, Mrs. X while on heparin reported that her FM / CFS went away”. After hearing enough reports, he conducted a study of CFS patients (using his own labs and at his own expense) and found that most CFS had a detectable hyper coagulated state often connected to DNA mutations (i.e. inherited). These needed some external influence to become significant (i.e. an infection). A significant percentage went into remission from low dosage heparin alone. Others required heparin and either anti-virals or antibiotics.

As a side note, my mother had 2 sons and something like 7 miscarriages… I suspect “thick blood” was the cause. She did not have CFS.


Some infection which prefers low oxygen levels has become established in the body. The infection manufactures chemicals to trigger coagulation (and thus lower oxygen levels to make your body friendly to it). Because of a person’s DNA mutations, not all of the coagulation is cleaned up — resulting in thick blood. At my worst, it took 12 tries at various locations to get one blood sample out of me, things were that thick!

With heparin or other appropriate blood-thinners, the oxygen increases and with some infections, the increased oxygen is sufficient to suppress the infection (which likes low oxygen levels), thus stopping further coagulation. The “infection” may be in tissue, or a combination of bacteria in the gut (or microbiome), it may not be detected in the blood.

My Experience

On my 2nd episode with CFS, the MD sat on the wall about coagulation — doing a “I will think about it”. I decided to try a simple experiment: I got a bottle of aspirin and read what the maximum dosage  allowed was (and for how long) and then did it.  About 7 days later I was climbing the ways with energy and improved thinking (I crashed fast once I stopped). The MD saw the changed and ordered extensive coagulation panels from Berg’s lab (later the MD sent to a local lab and got similar results — just to make sure that Berg’s lab was not misreporting). I was put on low dosage heparin and once my DNA results came back, I found that my DNA defect could be treated with Piracetam and Turmeric.

At the start of my 3rd episode, I hit the anticoagulants increasingly to keep me working while my new MD was running the mountain of exclusionary tests required before a CFS diagnosis could be given (as well as having symptoms for 6 months).  I knew what was happening — the MD did not believe me until the SPECT scans came back. I stopped the anticoagulants as soon as easy bruising started to happen — and totally crashed 3 days later. Antibacterial/antivirals were needed.

Coagulation is complex with many steps in the process. It takes just one step to over-produce or under-produce to create a problem. The typical mistake that people make is to address only the step that aspirin impacts (platelets)– that is usually insufficient (and if you take too many substances that impacts that step, you have a major risk of serious bleeding). Always consult with your MD before starting any supplements.

With that said, I will give my list of supplements which are available (in the US without prescription) and what each does according to PubMed. I will not try to explain all of the complexities or terms (sorry — that’s another topic, use wikipedia)

Thick Blood Supplements

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Boswelia Gum

Gum-resin extracts of Boswellia serrata have been traditionally used in folk medicine for centuries to treat various chronic inflammatory diseases (2011). It has been found to have antibacterial (2012),  anti-arthritic (2011), anti-edemateous (2011),  antioxidant, antiplatelet and anticoagulant(equivalent to heparin) (2011). positive effects of BEs in some chronic inflammatory diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma, osteoarthritis, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease have been reported (2010).


Coagulation-inhibiting effects (1990)

Centella Asiatica [Gotu kola]

This is used in Spain

  • The anti-thrombotic active constituents from Centella asiatica. [2007]
    • “Thus, C. asiatica was shown to promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis. Consequently, C. asiatica is a useful medicinal plant for the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases such as hypertension, cardiopathy and cerebral apoplexy caused by arteriosclerosis.”

Coenzyme Q10


Acts similar to aspirin for coagulation

Grape Seed Extract

Grape seed extract is rich in proanthocyanidins. Proanthocyanidins are available from other supplements (cranberry juice, cider). It may or may not offer protection for glutamate excitotoxicity (depends on grapes being used) (2011).


Spezzata (pure Licorice – Glycyrrhia). (1997)

  • Increases plasma recalcification, thrombin and fibrinogen clotting times
  • Reduces thrombin-induced, but not collagen-, PAF- or convulxin-induced platelet aggregation.



Nattokinase is from a fermented-soya desert food in Japan called Natto.

Maximum dosage: 4000 Fibrin Units


For coagulation (1993), reduces

  • von Willebrand’s factor
  • inhibition of thromboxane synthetase
  • inhibition of anti-thromboxane A2
  • 30-40% reduction in plasma levels of fibrinogen
  • reduces cell membrane deformability (red cells, white cells and platelets)


The active ingredient of this kitchen spice is curcumin. Turmeric appears to be more effective than curcumin, the extract[1].


Evening Primrose Oil

Depending on your DNA, it may help or make things worst.

1.1.1     Sunflower Oil

More readings on thick blood
